
‘Get Inclusive In the Game’ to promote innovative synergies for refugee and female inclusion

A sports project, co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme, has kicked-off proposing a sustainable model of cooperation based on the integration of innovative and operative synergies between the sport sector and other sectors for the social inclusion of migrants, refugees and women.

Get Inclusive In the Game (GIIG) aims to promote voluntary activities in sport that foster the social inclusion of minority groups, equal opportunities and raise awareness of health-enhancing physical activity.

At the core of the project is a model that aims to involve migrants and refugees living in Italy, and women in sports projects, and address areas including gender equality, multi-ethnic team sports, while building social relations, creating networks and providing life-skills.

An online platform - GIIG.EU - will gather data and information for the development and financing of strategic partnerships, and the planning of sports initiatives aimed by social inclusion values.

As part of the project, information days will be held in schools, dedicated events featuring games and sport activities will be organised in parks, held in collaboration with local sports clubs and sport associations, and a football tournament will be organised in the Lazio commune of Frosinone between teams showcasing the values of diversity and inclusiveness and teams of migrant and female European athletes.

In addition to this, an international conference will also be held in Frosinone on the outcomes of using sport for social inclusion and gender equality.

The GIIG consortium will cooperate with the Council of Europe’s Youth Department that through its "NO HATE” campaign will support the training activities for volunteers in the project.

GIIG will run until December 2017. Project partners include Unione Sportiva ACLI Frosinone, Associazione di volontariato Nuovi Orizzonti ONLUS, ASD BALON MUNDIAL ONLUS, PODES Associação para a Promoçao do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto, TOWARZYSTWO SPORTOWE IRON MAN and the Fare network.

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